Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

Gangan pelanduk


The mouse deer or the Tragulus scientific name mouse deer javanicus was the mammalian mammal of a group small deer his body. The mouse deer was the species of deer who have nails I was even from the Tragulidae family. In the mature measurement of his measurement was the same as the rabbit. The mouse deer habitat in the tropical South-East Asian rainforest, including Indonesia. in the Belitung island personally the Community mentioned him Pelandok.
Pelandok in the Belitung island lived in the small region of the forests but in recent times pelandok has become rare in the Belitung island because his habitat has been threatened with apart from his nesting place taking the form of the forest changed to the area sawit garden and illegal mines also hunting pelandok from the community that was not controlled, it seems in the government's colonial Dutch period had had regulations hunting in the Belitung island that in Undergo so as in certain months the community only in permitted to go hunting this was caused so that this mammal continued to be maintained from the extinction.

Indonesia was rich in the style of Indonesian Archipelago cooking including in the Belitung island personally gangan the land pelandok was one of the typical cooking the Belitung island with combine the the Indonesian Archipelago took the form of turmeric, galingale, candlenuts, galingale, the garlic, the shallot, acid,chili, salt, was heeded ,casava, as well as the sprout of the jackfruit leaves. The method of cooking him boiled previous water meat input pelandok that has been cut off very small in water was boil, was waiting as far as meat to become soft then cassava input that has been cut off very small, spice input gangan that already in refined afterwards this input of the jackfruit leaves to give the spices aroma from the feeling gangan this land. Be waiting through to ripe and felt his comfort from gangan pelandok

But for the Belitung community that was outside the Belitung island really was difficult to get meat pelandok, a fairy Evi Hardianti the woman 27 years already in the last three years worked in Jakarta but pleasure cooked typical food the Belitung island could not be separated from his life. "Food in Jakarta in umu him similar it seems." So he said between during the expenses in the traditional market of Bridge of Merah Saharjo Jakarta, the day of Evi bought spice equipment to cook gangan this land. With one kilo beef.

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