Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

east java


in jawa these vegetables were famous with the serving that was nutritious because contained from various vegetables and these vegetables spices also close was called "should not lodeh" -- > don't = vegetables. Many people suspected that, vegetables lodeh came from Java because the feeling and his cooked model were very typical Java. But in fact the Lodeh vegetables came from Betawi.. ga believed would?? Please take note the history of vegetables/don't LODEH along with. In the Mataram attack period to Batavia in several previous centuries, Sultan Agung used tactics "attracted troops" meaning that attracting troops from various areas that were passed through. He asked Jawara Daerah that was passed through by troops to gather in the attack to Batavia, so as many troops that came from Tegal, Purwokerto,Cilacap, Bandung, Cirebon, Bogor, Betawi etc.. However Hindia troops had the accurate strategy, that basically they paralysed basic the Mataram logistics by burning the Bahan Makanan Warehouse and threatening the Chef with not helping Sultan Agung and his troops. In the series of the attack tsb, alkisah in the Jatinegara forest was gotten.

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